15 Sept 2011

It ain't about how fast I get there, it's the climb

pieces army-green jeans - ZARA top - Mango jacket 
Via Uno heels
I'll won't be blogging the next three days, because I'm off for the weekend!
Tonight I'll go to visit my brother in Breda and than we go out together, so that will be fun (I guess).
Tomorrow I go on another traintrip and I'll go to Arnhem. There I'll stay over by a friend of mine: Raymond, who is also a student at the School of Arts, he's studying Fine Art.
Saturday I have to go to school, but after that I go to a part with Ray, so I guess I'll be very tired at Sunday.
But all these things are going to be fun, so I'm excited!
What are your plans for the weekend? Hope you've some fun too!

1 comment:

  1. leuk! dat is een michael kors horloge toch? die ga ik binnenkort ook eentje kopen, een gouden :)! ben je er blij mee? geen spijt van gehad? het is zo'n berg geld!
